Get ready for Career Fair! Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week
Things to do THIS WEEK:
- Create or revise your résumé
- Research companies and identify your top choices
- Perfect your pitch (introduction)
- Practice interviewing
- Assemble professional attire
We have reached the final week before the Fulton Schools of Engineering Fall Career Fair. Professional staff will be hosting webinars. (Register through Handshake) On Friday, September 13, 2019, there will be Rapid Résumé Reviews with Employers. Peer Career Coaches will be holding office hours for résumé reviews. Schedule your appointments through Handshake.
In addition to learning and mastering the mechanics of what to say and do, something else is extremely important: having goals (or a focus) and being able to articulate it. You have to tell the recruiter what it is about their organization that interests you and show how you are a good fit for the company. (Simply stating your major because it is on their list is not enough!)
What activities and projects do you do on your own just because you enjoy them? Which industries are most appealing to you and what do you do to learn more about them? Which class topics are your favorites?
As you are determining which companies to speak with, go beyond the description of the position and study the company website. What is it about them that has piqued your interest? What area(s) do you see as a potential fit for you? Take the time to think about these things and practice what you want to say – out loud.
Look to see which companies are offering Information Sessions. (You can find this information in Handshake under Events.) These sessions are an easy way to get a sense of the corporate culture, ask questions and interact with recruiters in a relaxed atmosphere. Unlike a career fair or an interview, where you have to sell yourself, in an information session, recruiters are selling the company. The tables are turned and YOU get to do the evaluating. As you listen to the presentations, pay attention to what is most appealing about the company and the position – as well as what is not appealing. The clearer idea you have about what you are seeking, the more likely you will be to find it!
Make time to gather and reflect on information. Think about what the opportunities mean to you and how they fit with your goals. Finally, take action and make good things happen!
Joyce Donahue is a Certified Career Counselor in the Fulton Schools Career Center.