Learn about supporting DACA students at DREAMzone, September 29

We are proud to continue offering workshops as part of the Fulton Schools Diversity Difference programs, funded by the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering Diversity and Inclusion Initiative (DII). This series aims to showcase our diverse community and to support learning through workshops and experiences.

DREAMzone offers training for ASU students, faculty and staff with a goal to increase institutional awareness and support for DACA students on campus. DREAMzone continues to build upon the ASU Charter that states that we are measured not by whom we exclude, but by whom we include and how they succeed. Our ultimate goal is to support students in attaining their educational goals.

DREAMzone is committed to creating partnerships with ASU departments/colleges and community organizations with similar goals to create access and improve retention for DACA students at ASU.

DREAMzone student workshop
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
5–6 p.m.
Register to attend

Please contact Christina Hernandez at [email protected] or Kae Sawyer at [email protected] from the Fulton Schools Academic and Student Affairs to learn more about this series or for workshop recommendations.