Fulton Schools student attends Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference
Fulton Schools student Khira Momodu attended the Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on April 17-19, 2016.
The purpose of the conference is to provide women in the technology industry an opportunity to network with fellow women innovators and develop their innovative ideas. The three-day event included keynotes from a multitude of successful women in technology, workshops, and discussion sessions.
Momodu is a residential community assistant and a member of Women in Computer Science, National Society of Black Engineers, Fulton Ambassadors and Alpha Kappa Alpha. She maintains involvement in numerous organizations and attended the Catalyst Conference because she desires to gain the knowledge and resources to make a difference and ultimately better herself.
On Monday April 18, Momodu attended a workshop on Finding Your Sweet Spot, led by Vice President of Data Center Group and General Manager of Storage Group at Intel, Bev Crair. Her main takeaway from the workshop was that while it can be hard to climb to the top of the corporate ladder as fast as men, Crair encourages women to find their passions and provided advice on how to grow in the technology industry as a woman.
The Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference allowed for the innovative women in attendance to network and develop themselves professionally. Momodu encourages women to attend the next conference; “Life is about opportunities and it’s important to take advantage of all opportunities.”