Fill out the interest form for the AZ Astrobio Symposium 2023!
Arizona State University is hosting the third annual regional AZ Astrobiology Symposium! The 2023 AZ AstroBio Symposium is a free day-and-a-half event aimed at promoting the development of astrobiology research across the state of Arizona. This symposium is intended to serve as a professional development platform for astrobiology enthusiasts, particularly students and early career scientists, to share ideas and network in a supportive environment. This symposium will present a broad array of astrobiologically related topics relevant to undergraduates, graduates, professors, research professionals and anyone interested in the search for life elsewhere.
The symposium will take place in the afternoon of Friday, April 21, 2023, and all day Saturday, April 22, 2023.
What you can expect:
- Oral presentations.
- Poster session.
- Focus groups.
- Social events.
- Free meals and drinks.
Please fill out this quick survey (~2 min) indicating your interest in attending the 2023 AZ Astrobio Symposium. Your responses will help obtain funding for the event.