Join Sarah Rodriguez in a discussion about addressing challenges faced by Latin* students, Oct. 7

Join Sarah Rodriguez, author of “Latin* Students in Engineering: An Intentional Focus on a Growing Population,” as she shares what she’s learned on her research and service journey. This presentation will explore the challenges Latin* students face in their journeys to become engineers and computer scientists, as well as the assets they bring with them from their homes and communities.
She will share implications for institutional Latin* STEM servingness as well as consejos (advice) to inspire you to harness your own power and be a source of transformation for your communities by doing work that matters.
Vale La Pena: My Journey in Doing Work That Matters for Latin* Engineering and Computing Students
Monday, Oct. 7, 2024
10–11:30 a.m.
Memorial Union (MU) 085, Tempe campus [map]
Register to attend

ASU Scholar Visit Rodriguez