Happy New Year! Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

A new year is an opportunity for new beginnings.

We can look back on the previous year and discover some valuable life lessons. While you’re sure to remember things that went well, reflecting on things that did not work out the way we hoped they would also present an opportunity. We can ask ourselves this question: Are there things I could have done differently that might have changed results?

Rather than making a long list of “New Year Resolutions,” determine what is the one change you can make that will make the most impact. When selecting the area where you are making a change, consider your own personal values. What is it that matters the most to you?

As a Fulton Schools student, be sure to remember that you are not on this journey alone. There are peer career coaches and peer mentors, academic advisors and career center professionals to help you. All of us are looking forward to working with you.

Finally, all of us at the Fulton Schools Career Center wish you a happy, healthy, prosperous and successful 2018.


Joyce Donahue is a career counselor in the Fulton Schools Career Center. She is a nationally certified career counselor and holds “Master Career Counselor” membership status in the National Career Development Association.