Congratulations! Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

There are two times each year that I get to write my favorite column and this is one of those weeks. Congratulations to Fulton Schools graduates! You have worked hard. Take time to reflect on your accomplishments and celebrate!

Please update your LinkedIn profiles and connect with me so that we can stay in touch. Each year, I look for alumni to participate on panels and to speak with current students (in person, by phone or by email) to answer career-related questions. Mark your calendars for Career Exploration Nights 2018:  Tuesday, October 16, 2018, on the Tempe campus and Wednesday, October 24, 2018, on the Polytechnic campus. Recent graduates are our first-year students’ favorite professionals.

All of us at the Fulton Schools Career Center wish you opportunities for continuous learning and creativity as you successfully meet challenges and work to improve our lives and our world. We are so very proud of you!

Congratulations to our continuing students. You have completed another semester that brings you closer to your own graduation. Professional staff and peer career coaches will be working through the summer. You can schedule appointments to meet with us through Handshake — either in person or by phone or Skype. Summer is often less hectic than fall and spring semesters. Use this time to get ready for the upcoming recruiting season.

Enjoy your ceremonies and celebrations. Good luck with transitions and new beginnings. We look forward to following you on your journeys and welcoming you home when you can get back to campus!


Joyce Donahue is a career counselor in the Fulton Schools Career Center. She is a nationally certified career counselor and holds “Master Career Counselor” membership status in the National Career Development Association.