Happy Thanksgiving — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Students, the end of the semester is almost here. Translation: lots of deadlines and final exams. Take time to relax and b-r-e-a-t-h-e over the long weekend. Take a few moments to be thankful and be sure to squeeze in time to have some fun.

We will be holding a Career Conference on Monday, December 17, 2018. Staff will cover “How to write a technical résumé” and “Successful interviewing.” There will be an employer panel and a presentation from immigration attorneys. Details are on Handshake. If you missed our workshops during this semester, or want to get a head start for spring recruiting season, plan to attend.

All of us at the Fulton Schools Career Center want to wish our students, colleagues and friends a very Happy Thanksgiving! We are thankful for the opportunities we have to work with all of you!


Joyce Donahue is a Certified Career Counselor in the Fulton Schools Career Center.