Final exams — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

The priority for this week is final exams. Be good to yourself and let anything that can wait until next week do just that — wait until finals are over!

This is the time to implement all of the study skills you’ve developed. You know what works best: studying in a group or alone, outlines, highlighting, notes or any other methods you use. You also know the courses to which you have to devote the most time. Are there some in which the final is weighted more heavily, or where you really have to do well to pull up a grade?

Barring extreme emergencies, life can wait. In the meantime, be sure to get enough sleep, take breaks from study sessions, eat well and exercise to relieve stress. While taking exams, remember to BREATHE — deeply, especially if you find yourself getting anxious.

Take care of yourself, and good luck!


Joyce Donahue works in the Fulton Schools Career Center. She is a Certified Career Counselor.