Last minute tips for Virtual Career Fairs — Jessica’s Career Tip of the Week
Wow, how time flies! Virtual Career Fairs are happening now! While many of you are already on your way to making a great first impression at the Career Fair, I would now like to promote last minute Career Virtual Fair tips that will ensure your success. Before you start networking at our Virtual Career Fairs — here are a few last-minute tips that you will find invaluable:
- Resume critique — A well-written document is the first step to getting you noticed at the Virtual Career Fair! You will want to ensure that you have included the right content that highlights your work experiences, academic projects and your technical skills.
- Create your CareerEco profile — This will be another very important step! Employers will be able to view your CareerEco profile so make sure to create it as soon as you are able. Once you have created your profile, make sure to follow all the CareerEco tips. And most importantly, upload your resume.
- Update your Handshake account — The purpose of updating your Handshake account is threefold: 1) Getting you noticed by employers, 2) For networking purposes with employers and fellow students, and 3) Applying for internships and jobs. You will want to update your profile and make your profile public to employers so they can find you.
- Prioritize the employers — Before the Virtual Career Fair(s), you will want to generate a list of companies that you will want to speak to. This is also a good time to reflect on your values, interests, skills and personality to ensure that the prospective company is a fit. Important questions that you should ask are, “Is the organization’s culture going to be a fit with my personality?” and “Will I be able to apply the technical skills that I have acquired in my academic courses?”
- Apply for the position(s) you are interested in — You can apply to the companies/job openings via Handshake, other job search websites or on the company’s individual website.
- Research companies that are attending — It is of utmost importance to research the companies that are attending before you attend the Virtual Career Fairs. It is will only make you look well-versed and enhance your candidacy out of the pool of applicants. Employers will expect that you took the time to research them beforehand, and it will also enhance your knowledge base of that company as well.
- Dress for success — This is an important one even when the career fair is virtual. Dressing professionally can show employers you are a serious candidate who took the time to prepare for the event. Your interview for a company starts the second you meet a recruiter, so you want to make sure make a good first impression. Dressing up for the career fair can put you in the professional mindset that prepares you to talk to employers.
- Elevator pitch — Make sure you have a nice elevator pitched typed up. You want to quickly explain to the recruiter who you are (your year and major) and tell them one or two relevant things about yourself (skills or internship experience). It would also be beneficial to use the research you did on the company to explain why you are interested in working for them.
- Check computer for audio and background — Since this virtual career fair is a new experience for many of us you want to make sure that you understand and test the technology before you start talking to employers. Make sure that your microphone is working and your camera is on if possible. You don’t want to be meeting employers from your bed. Sit at a table or desk with good lighting and make sure you are in a quiet area with a good (not distracting) background.
Now that I have provided “Last Minute Tips for our Virtual Career Fairs”, I will now provide the schedule of the upcoming Virtual Career Fairs that will be hosted:
Computing and Information Technology Online Career Fair
Wednesday, September 9, 2020
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Register to attend
Master’s and PhD Online Career Fair
Tuesday, September 15, 2020
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Register to attend
Undergraduate Online Career Fair
Wednesday, September 16
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Register to attend
Diversity and Affinity Groups Online Career Fair
Friday, October 2, 2020
9 a.m.–4 p.m.
Register to attend
**Lauren Monroe, Peer Career Coach, provided contributions for this blog.