Donations needed: Support local and global engineering projects through Engineers Without Borders

Engineers Without Borders is currently seeking donations. EWB’s mission is to partner with underserved communities in order to meet their basic human needs while providing real-world experience to engineering students.

EWB members are currently working on four projects. The first and second are serving the native Shonto people by restoring the land’s water table and by providing renewable energy, respectively. Our last two projects are international – focusing on providing clean water to a rural community in Kenya and repurposing plastic waste in Ethiopia’s Simien Mountains.

To sustain our ongoing efforts and soon implement our solutions, we need your support. Find more information about ASU’s EWB chapter and its projects. Please consider making a donation directly to EWB’s ASU account as it would greatly help EWB realize our mission. If you would like to become an ongoing sponsor of our club, please reach out to [email protected] or [email protected].