Why not just email you?
On occasion, you might run into a problem with creating or submitting a post for eventual publication within Inner Circle. Rather than reaching out to a member of the Marketing and Communications team directly, we are asking that you utilize a communication tool we’ve built into the site directly for those questions.
There is no single person within the Fulton Schools Marketing and Communication team who is responsible for the editorial and approval process for all content within the site. It is a group effort to maintain a site this large. To best reach the editing team, use the Editorial Comments feature of the Inner Circle website instead of emailing an individual member of the team.
Editorial Comments
As an Inner Circle contributor, you may leave a comment on a post that has been submitted for review to provide additional details or ask questions.
These comments are called editorial comments and are enabled by the Edit Flow plugin for WordPress. Editorial comments not like other comments you may leave on a blog post or within social media. They are only visible within the confines of the block editor and will only notify the specific people you intended to speak with.
To get started, locate the metabox labeled Editorial Comment at the bottom of the block editing screen under the post content. To leave a comment:
- Click the button to “respond to this post.”
- Compose your message and click the “submit response” button to send the notification.
- Links will automatically be created for any full URL that is posted within the comment area.
- Simple HTML tag elements like <strong> and <em> are also supported within the text area.
- Anchor tags like <a href=”#”></a> can also be used to create an inline link.
As the post author:
- You are automatically subscribed to notifications for a post that you have created.
- Notifications are sent out via email from the Inner Circle website to your ASU email address.
The Edit Flow plugin for Inner Circle will automatically send out notifications to all selected users whenever either of the following changes are made:
- The status of a post changes (Example: When the post status is changed from Draft to Submitted for Review.)
- When an editorial comment is submitted.
In addition, the editorial staff will receive a notification via a central Slack channel monitored by the whole team.
To notify another member of your team or a specific member of the editorial team, you can find their names and include them in the Notifications section below the post content.
Typically, editorial comments are used to ask a member of the MarComm team about the following actions.
- Permission to hold the publication of a submitted story until a certain date.
- Permission to reuse an image that has already been associated with another post within Inner Circle.
- General content or writing style related questions.
Be sure to save and close out of editing your post after you leave an editorial comment so an editor can access the post for review. If you see an editor reviewing your post, please do not try to edit the post — this will kick out the editor and they will lose any unsaved edits.
Inner Circle editors may also ask you questions about your post or attachments. To respond, click the “Reply” link in the email sent to your ASU email address and respond through the editorial comments.