
Entrepreneurship + Innovation

Entrepreneurship + Innovation at the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering empowers all undergraduate and graduate students, faculty, staff, and alumni to leverage an entrepreneurial mindset to advance their ideas for the benefit of our economy and society.

Graphic depicting paper airplanes flying.
Brent Sebold, Michael Hool and Jake Slatnick at Techiepalooza

Mingle with ASU startup founders at Techiepalooza, Feb. 21

ASU’s top techies are invited to mix and mingle with ASU’s most dynamic startup founders, along with some of the most influential leaders of our thriving innovation ecosystem, including Michael Hool and Connor Hubach of Hool Coury Law. Rick Dircks, co-founder of Dircks Moving & Logistics, will provide an inspirational keynote and question and answer session.

Venture Devils: Turn your idea into reality.

Turn your idea into reality with Venture Devils — apply by Oct. 1

All Arizona State University and Maricopa Community Colleges students are encouraged to participate, regardless of major, year in school or vertical/industry of venture. If you have an idea for a venture, or have already launched one, you will find the support and resources you need to succeed. The Venture Devils program offers programming and support…

Professor and two students pose with a giant check.

ASU-operated Center of Excellence for Energy awards seed funding to six renewable energy projects in Egypt

The Center of Excellence for Energy, supported by the American people through USAID and operated by ASU, awarded six teams seed funding for their renewable energy ventures. Led by Brent Sebold, director of Entrepreneurship + Innovation, or E + I, at the Fulton Schools, the event was the culmination of a six-month E + I program featuring two seminars, selection of six venture teams based at Egyptian partner universities, five months of mentoring by ASU faculty and the exciting conclusion in a “Shark Tank”-style Venture Development Program Demo Day.