Academic Integrity Office Tips for Students: Develop Good Study Habits

Two people write on paper in an image that says "Academic Integrity: Respect, Integrity, Responsibility"

One of the cool things about college is how each semester is a new beginning, a chance to do just a little bit (or maybe a lot) better than the last. If you are a senior, take a minute to think back on your academic career. You probably realize that you are a much better student now versus when you started. The reason for this is you learned the importance of developing good habits in your life.

Academic integrity issues often come up when a student has been in a panic about a deadline or has not studied enough to master the material. The sooner you can establish good habits and consistency in your life, the better off you will be. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Use a planner system, whether it be on paper, computer or your phone.
  • Be committed to regimenting your schedule and sticking to it.
  • Attend class every day that it is available — do not rationalize that missing class is OK.
  • At the beginning of each semester, look at your weekly schedule and plan study periods into your week.
    • Think of these study periods as appointments with yourself.
    • Prioritize them and make it a high priority not to miss them.
    • If you don’t have a lot to do on a given day, study ahead or review previous material.
    • Adding to your study schedule is OK but never miss the scheduled ones.
  • Use the weekend for both relaxation time and to get ahead and ensure your week is not overloaded.
  • What other things do you do to develop good habits during the semester? If you have good ideas, send our Academic Integrity Office a message to Chuck Barbee at [email protected].

For more information, check out the Academic Integrity Office website and the Fulton Schools Resources page.

College headaches caused by not having a planning system, procrastination, not studying on the weekend, skipping classes.