

See what’s happening at the Fulton Schools and ASU.

A woman in a business suit with a clipboard sits leaning forward.

Learn about the women behind NSA’s mission at the NSA in Focus information session, Oct. 9

Join the National Security Agency, or NSA, as the women behind their mission discuss how their culture fosters innovation, new ways of thinking and a drive to succeed. At NSA, you’re surrounded by people who offer different perspectives and areas of expertise. They’ll inspire you to rise to any challenge, whether it’s solving a problem, developing new skills through continuing education or taking you under their wing as mentees.

Help shape an ethical AI future at the Social Bias Hackathon, Sept. 27–29

Show off your developer skills at the Social Bias Hackathon, co-hosted by Ethical Spectacle Research, Global Career Network and CS+Social Good at ASU. This event is designed for developers and founders eager to build ideas from scratch, secure partnerships and discover investment possibilities. Participants will present their projects in a dynamic science fair-style showcase, with…