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A couple of students work at a table together with an undergraduate teaching assistant
Academic Integrity Tips for Students

Academic Integrity Office Tips for Students: Examinations

No matter how much you prepare, it is inevitable that you will feel a bit more stressed than usual when preparing to take a mid-term or final exam. While some stress can be beneficial, you need to work toward minimizing high levels of stress that will have a negative impact on your performance, and on…

Academic Integrity Tips for Students

Academic Integrity Office Tips for Students: Group Projects

Group projects can be a fun and challenging way to learn new material and complete a shared assignment. However, it’s never fun being in a group that gets flagged for plagiarism. Here are a few ideas for ways to approach a group project and avoid academic integrity issues. For more information, check out the Academic Integrity…

Check out the recent GIT Industry Panel Discussion

At a recent Graphic Information Technology event, four panelists, including one ASU GIT alumnus, talked about their industry. The panelists were recruited based on their leadership in agency, in-house and freelance positions. In addition, they had a variety of experiences involving UX, print/digital design, web development, design and much more. For additional information about the…

Learn about grad school at the Graduate Program Fair, October 22

Join us at this virtual event to meet with graduate school representatives from ASU and schools around the country to learn about admission requirements, programs and professional degrees. Fall 2021 Graduate School FairFriday, October 22, 202110 a.m.–1 p.m. MSTLearn more and register today! This event will be facilitated through Handshake’s Virtual Career Fair platform. You…

Academic Integrity Tips for Students

Academic Integrity Office Tips for Students: Shortcuts

When times start to get tough during the semester, it is important to remind yourself that there are no shortcuts to success. It takes dedication and commitment to study hard every day to learn your course material. When we allow ourselves to take shortcuts, we only set ourselves up for even more challenges in the…

Attend these workshops and programs from the Fulton Schools Tutoring Centers

Have you had a chance to check out the other offerings from the Fulton Schools Tutoring Centers? In addition to one-on-one tutoring, the Tutoring Centers offer other great programs to help you find success and support your way! YouTube Channel: Subscribe to the Fulton Schools Tutoring Center channel to watch tutors walk you through common problems and…

Celebrate Campus Sustainability Month in October

October is Campus Sustainability Month. This annual worldwide initiative celebrates local action on college and university campuses. Join University Sustainability Practices all month long as we celebrate with engaging and inspiring events and experiences! Visit University Sustainability Practices or ASU Events for a complete list of opportunities. Events will be added throughout October, so check back frequently.

Academic Integrity Tips for Students

Academic Integrity Office Tips for Students: Procrastination

Procrastination is one of the leading causes of academic integrity violations in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering. When you put things off and don’t properly plan ahead, you run the risk of getting into a very high-stress situation. High-stress situations leave us vulnerable and often result in the student rationalizing a bad decision…

Attend The Gear Box grand opening on September 20

Are you an engineering student? Do you like making things but you’re not sure where to start? The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering will be opening The Gear Box on Monday, September 20, 2021! Stop by during our grand opening to tour our new space and see how we can help. The Gear Box is located…

Check out the Fulton Schools Tutoring Centers — open until December 3

This semester, all Fulton Schools Tutoring Centers have re-opened and are fully operational. Students are invited to take advantage of the free tutoring services, provided by current students who have excelled in the same classes they tutor. Fulton Schools students can start using the centers’ services during the following hours until Friday, December 3, 2021: Fulton Schools…