Academic Integrity Office Tips for Students: Shortcuts

Two people write on paper in an image that says "Academic Integrity: Respect, Integrity, Responsibility"

When times start to get tough during the semester, it is important to remind yourself that there are no shortcuts to success. It takes dedication and commitment to study hard every day to learn your course material. When we allow ourselves to take shortcuts, we only set ourselves up for even more challenges in the future. Here are a few shortcuts that lead to academic integrity violations that you should avoid:

  • Consulting any online source that provides only the solution to the problem you are working on.
  • Asking a classmate to send their work to you so you can see how they did it.
  • Borrowing excessively from a classmate to complete your own work.
  • Using someone else’s data to complete your assignment.
  • Using code on your assignment that is not your own original work.
  • Reusing an assignment from a previous semester (self-plagiarism).
  • Paying someone to do an assignment for you.

For more information, check out the Academic Integrity Office website and the Fulton Schools Resources page.

A meme image of a man setting up dominos of increasing size. The smallest is labeled "I'll just cut this one little academic integrity corner" and the largest is labeled "Getting fired from my job for incompetence."