

Fulton Schools students can compete in a variety of competitions, from hackathons to entrepreneurial seed funding opportunities. Find out more about upcoming competitions and those won by Fulton Schools students.

Students participate in a robotics hackathon.
Teacher addresses students in a classroom.

Pitch solutions to major global problems at the Falling Walls Lab pitch competition — apply by Aug. 30

Pitch your solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges in this competition coming next month.

Falling Walls Lab is a world-class pitch competition and networking forum that brings together a diverse and interdisciplinary pool of students and early-career professionals by providing a stage for breakthrough ideas both globally and locally. Their multifaceted formats support participants in driving their innovations and develop their communication skills, fostering collaboration and creating a space for the impactful and sustainable community to thrive.

Collage of mortarboard decorations by grads in the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering

Congratulations to our mortarboard contest winners!

The Class of 2023 did an amazing job decorating mortarboards for Spring 2023 graduation ceremonies! There were so many amazing designs, it was difficult to narrow down to the four winners this semester. Our top four were chosen from contest submissions and will receive swag packages.

Post-apocalyptic design competition drives tech solutions

On September 23-25, the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering’s Generator Labs hosted a 48-hour design challenge known as the Fulton Furnace Fallout — a Devil’s Invent event. The event, sponsored in collaboration with the ASU Kern Project and the Rossum Rumblers student org, got its name and inspiration from a post-apocalyptic game series known…

INFORMS@ASU student chapter places second at Principal Cup Challenge

Members of the INFORMS@ASU student chapter placed second at the Principal Cup after their presentation Friday, September 28, 2018. The Principal Cup is an international operations research and management sciences analytics competition that challenges teams to develop an objective decision-making process to buy, sell or hold stocks which could be affected by emotional bias. Instead, the teams use…