

Fulton Schools students can compete in a variety of competitions, from hackathons to entrepreneurial seed funding opportunities. Find out more about upcoming competitions and those won by Fulton Schools students.

Students participate in a robotics hackathon.
Devils Invent

Sign up for the next Devils Invent and make aerospace more sustainable, November 18–20

Our second event of Fall 2022 is proudly sponsored by Honeywell and will focus on identifying solutions to make the aerospace field more sustainable. Honeywell is dedicated to driving the transformation to a sustainable future and being carbon-neutral by 2035. Teams of four to six students will be tasked with creating solutions centered around sustainability…


Got a new venture? ASU Innovation Open 2023 is awarding more than $200k in funding — deadline extended to November 13

Calling all student entrepreneurs! ASU Innovation Open is awarding more than $200,000 to the top student ventures offering cutting-edge hardware solutions, IoT innovations and social equity enterprises. ASU Innovation Open, or ASUio, was designed to fuel multidisciplinary teams of collegiate founders to harness the power of entrepreneurship to tackle the world’s most challenging problems. Our competition values university-supported technologies…

Explore clean-air solutions with the online I-BREATHE Indoor Air Quality Hackathon, July 15–17

How clean is the air you breathe indoors? Join a multi-university online hackathon to discover ways to protect everyone’s right to clean air!! Poor indoor air quality is linked to asthma, cardiovascular disease and many other adverse health outcomes, and disproportionately impacts people in low-income groups. Existing regulations ensure there are minimum quality standards for…

Post-apocalyptic design competition drives tech solutions

On September 23-25, the Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering’s Generator Labs hosted a 48-hour design challenge known as the Fulton Furnace Fallout — a Devil’s Invent event. The event, sponsored in collaboration with the ASU Kern Project and the Rossum Rumblers student org, got its name and inspiration from a post-apocalyptic game series known…

INFORMS@ASU student chapter places second at Principal Cup Challenge

Members of the INFORMS@ASU student chapter placed second at the Principal Cup after their presentation Friday, September 28, 2018. The Principal Cup is an international operations research and management sciences analytics competition that challenges teams to develop an objective decision-making process to buy, sell or hold stocks which could be affected by emotional bias. Instead, the teams use…

Materials science doctoral student wins Outstanding Student MBE Award in China

Calli Campbell, a doctoral student studying materials science and engineering, won the Outstanding Student MBE Award for her oral presentation at the 20th International Conference on Molecular Beam Epitaxy in Shanghai, China. Out of 135 student presentations, Campbell earned one of the two Outstanding Student awards. The conference is an international forum for sharing developments…

Fulton Schools Maroon team places second in the 2019 Academic Bowl

Fulton Schools students put their heads together and earned second place in the 2019 Arizona State University Academic Bowl. The Maroon team students — Kai Yin, a computer science junior; Geoffrey Wong, a computer science senior; Kyle Xue, a double-major biomedical engineering and computer science junior; Jack Fleitman, a computer science senior; Colton Sowers, a…