
Inclusive excellence

The Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering is dedicated to inclusive excellence as a core value. Find opportunities that promote inclusive excellence in STEM.

A student and faculty member conduct research together in a lab.
Two student sitting on the summit of A Mountain making the fork hand signal while looking down at the ASU Tempe campus.

Get strategies for college success for neurodivergent people at this event, Feb. 20–21

The College Autism Network invites you to join their campus partners, including the Fulton Schools, for an informative and encouraging event designed to help autistic and other neurodivergent high school students and their families explore the landscape of college opportunities and to strengthen the skills of those professionals who support them on this journey. For…

Brooke Coley

Get undergraduate research experience in the Center for RARE JUSTICE and SPACE Lab

Are you an undergraduate student looking for a paid research experience? Apply for a 10-week internship in the Center for RARE JUSTICE and SPACE Lab. You will gain experience in research at the seam of engineering, sociotechnical innovation and equity. Apply now! Applications will start being reviewed Friday, Sept. 27, 2024. Contact Assistant Professor Brooke…

Sarah Rodriguez presents Latin* Students in Engineering: An Intentional Focus on a Growing Population

Join Sarah Rodriguez in a discussion about addressing challenges faced by Latin* students, Oct. 7

Join Sarah Rodriguez, author of “Latin* Students in Engineering: An Intentional Focus on a Growing Population,” as she shares what she’s learned on her research and service journey. This presentation will explore the challenges Latin* students face in their journeys to become engineers and computer scientists, as well as the assets they bring with them from their homes and communities.

Third Annual STEM Inclusion Summit

Discuss inclusive topics in the ASU sciences at the Third Annual STEM Inclusion Summit, Nov. 6

The Third Annual STEM Inclusion Summit, sponsored by the Research for Inclusive STEM Education Center, or RISE Center, will provide the opportunity for people to present and learn about current diversity, equity and inclusion research and initiatives occurring in the sciences at ASU. The summit is open to the entire ASU community. Register for both full and partial days. Visit the STEM Inclusion Summit…

A woman in a business suit with a clipboard sits leaning forward.

Learn about the women behind NSA’s mission at the NSA in Focus information session, Oct. 9

Join the National Security Agency, or NSA, as the women behind their mission discuss how their culture fosters innovation, new ways of thinking and a drive to succeed. At NSA, you’re surrounded by people who offer different perspectives and areas of expertise. They’ll inspire you to rise to any challenge, whether it’s solving a problem, developing new skills through continuing education or taking you under their wing as mentees.

overhead view of three people talking at a table

Become a mentor and join the I AM mentor program

Are you passionate about making a difference? Do you have the desire to create meaningful connections and support others on their journey? If so, the Inclusive Achievement of Mastery, or I AM, mentoring program at Arizona State University needs you! The I AM Mentor Program is looking for Fulton Schools students interested in mentoring students…

Fulton Schools student attends Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference

Fulton Schools student Khira Momodu attended the Girls in Tech Catalyst Conference in Phoenix, Arizona on April 17-19, 2016. The purpose of the conference is to provide women in the technology industry an opportunity to network with fellow women innovators and develop their innovative ideas. The three-day event included keynotes from a multitude of successful…

Elizabeth Jones accepts Society of Women Engineers Outstanding Collegiate Member Award

The Society of Women Engineers has recognized Elizabeth Jones of Arizona State University for her impact on the Society as well as the engineering community with the SWE Outstanding Collegiate Member Award. Jones will accept the award at SWE’s annual conference, WE20, which will be held virtually from Tuesday, November 3–Saturday, November 14, 2020. The SWE…

NASA Psyche capstone team builds robotic explorer

The Robotic Explorer 10B Psyche team (Psyche-Paths) is a capstone team of ten interdisciplinary students from the School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, School of Earth and Space Exploration, School for Engineering of Matter, Transport and Energy and School of Computing, Informatics, and Decision Systems Engineering. Four out of 10 members have electrical engineering…

Mechanical engineering major earns recognition with national scholarships

Mechanical engineering and global health junior Katie Pascavis was recently named a Goldwater Scholar and is among four nominees for the Udall Scholarship. Pascavis is a Flinn Scholar, an honors student in Arizona State University’s Barrett, The Honors College and she is pursuing a minor in sustainability. She is also president of Engineerins without Borders and works in…