A student talks with a recruiter at a job fair.


The Fulton Schools Career Center is here to help you prepare for these opportunities and to connect you with employers. Be sure to set up your Handshake account and watch Inner Circle for ways to boost your career.

Talk to people — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Are you a first- or second-year student still taking mostly math and science courses and want to know more about your chosen major? Are you currently looking for an internship? Are you a new alum who is job hunting? Have you recently started a position and are trying to figure out what you need to…

Inside information from professionals — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

On Tuesday, May 16, 2017, Fulton Schools students and recent graduates had the opportunity to get “inside information” about hiring processes from industry professionals at a full-day career conference. Presenters drew on their experiences from employment with APS, Cognizant, CXT Software, Intel, Medtronic, OSISoft and UnitedHealth Group. The day began with résumé basics. The goal…

Relax, recharge and reflect — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Spring semester classes, finals and graduation ceremonies are over. Whether you are a continuing student getting ready to start a summer internship or classes, or a new graduate about to start your first professional position, I hope that you are able to make the time to relax, recharge and reflect. If the stress of finals…

Congratulations! Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Congratulations to our graduates! All of us at the Fulton Schools Career Center wish you many wonderful opportunities to do good work that you enjoy. Please stay in touch with us! We love to have alumni work with us at career fair prep sessions, Career Exploration Night and as panelists. Consider being available for information…

It’s time for finals — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

This is the week to complete all of the hard work you’ve been doing since January. You know the drill: Get enough sleep. Eat healthy meals. Take some time to relax. Your efforts will be rewarded. All of us at the Fulton Schools Career Center are rooting for you!   Joyce Donahue is a career…

It’s the last week of the semester — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

It’s the last week of the spring 2017 semester! I know that it’s a super busy time of the year. Many of you might be facing challenges of having way too many things to do, and possibly even those schedule conflicts when you have to be in several places at the same time. I considered…

Some interesting numbers — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Richard Nelson Bolles, author of the best-selling job-hunting book, What Color is Your Parachute?, passed away a few weeks ago. While reading the many tributes and recollections written by career development professionals, I was reminded of the last time I heard him speak at the annual conference of the National Career Development Association in Denver,…

Talking about leadership — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Along with team and communication skills, leadership is another quality that is highly sought by recruiters and managers who hire interns and new college graduates. Through my conversations with student job seekers who are writing résumés and preparing for interviews, I’ve noticed a few common misconceptions. Some think that simply putting the title of an…

Talking about communicating — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Communication is generally near the top of the list of skills sought by college recruiters. During the hiring process, the applicant’s oral, written, non-verbal and cross-cultural communication are assessed. The ability to listen well and to engage in reflective or active listening is also important. Reflective listening has two parts. Once the other person’s words…

Talking about your team experience — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Interview questions about teamwork are frequently a part of the hiring process. Fulton students are often asked to “Tell me about a time that you were on a team when ….” I thought it might be helpful if I put together a list of the elements that are found on highly effective teams. I’d like…

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