A student talks with a recruiter at a job fair.


The Fulton Schools Career Center is here to help you prepare for these opportunities and to connect you with employers. Be sure to set up your Handshake account and watch Inner Circle for ways to boost your career.

Welcome! Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Welcome to our first-year and newest transfer students! The Fulton Schools Career Center professional staff and our team of undergraduate and graduate peer career coaches are looking forward to meeting you and working with you. Bonus tips for those who are experiencing our weather for the first time: Stay hydrated! I am sure that everyone…

Talking about failure — Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

Students are often confused when asked in an interview to “tell me about a time when you failed.” They ask me, “What do they want to know? What am I supposed to tell them? I don’t want anyone to think of me as a failure!”

Vacations are important! Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

I recently pulled out a calendar to work on some activity planning for fall and realized that we are only about four weeks away from the start of the fall 2018 semester. Over the past few months, you might have been busy with an internship, summer job, research project, classes, competition, study abroad, volunteering or…

Get off to a good start — Joyce’s career tip of the week

Have you recently started or will you soon be beginning your summer internship or first full-time professional position? You’re probably excited and maybe even a bit nervous. Relax! You are ready. You can do this. Consider the following recommendations and develop your plan to get off to a good start.

Congratulations! Joyce’s Career Tip of the Week

There are two times each year that I get to write my favorite column and this is one of those weeks. Congratulations to Fulton Schools graduates! You have worked hard. Take time to reflect on your accomplishments and celebrate!

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