Student org members work on a project.


From seminars to student org activities to competitions, there’s always something going on at the Fulton Schools or the larger university community. Check out these opportunities and events.

Participate in the JEE Mentored Reviewer Program — apply by August 20

The Journal of Engineering Education (JEE) is committed to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education.  To expand their reviewer base and maintain the quality of manuscript reviews, JEE launched a Mentored Reviewer Program in 2019. This program is intended to coach new or novice reviewers through the review process with a mentor who has substantial…

Seminar: Revisiting Exploration versus Exploitation: Multi-Armed Bandits and Adaptive Control, September 3

Attend the IE Decision Systems Engineering Fall ’21 Seminar Series event that explores dynamic learning problems. Revisiting Exploration versus Exploitation: Multi-Armed Bandits and Adaptive ControlPresented by P.R. Kumar, Texas A&M University Friday, September 3, 2021NoonAttend via Zoom Abstract We consider the central problem of exploration versus exploitation that lies at the heart of several dynamic…

Be a mentor with EPICS High

Now seeking mentors to support EPICS High teams in grades 6–12. EPICS High Mentors are current and previous EPICS@ASU students and are currently enrolled at ASU. They guide and advise teams as they work to complete their EPICS projects and meet with teams throughout the school year. As an EPICS High Mentor, you can receive…

Get involved in outreach with the Mentor Volunteer Program

Have extra time and want to give back to the community while making new friends on campus? Make a huge positive impact on some awesome middle school kids. The mentoring program at Gililland Middle School is going on its sixth year. Many kids in this Title I middle school face a lot of challenges and…